Ultimately, you may be thinking to yourself: "why the hell is he obsessing over poutine all of a sudden?" It's just the fact that I've been thinking about it a lot recently. I miss Quebec, I have a strong draw to Canada for some reason. Anyway poutine is just one of those things that draws me, and even though it's sickly unhealthy, it just tastes so good. I decided since it was more of an effort than I thought to make home-made poutine than I thought, I'd check out the poutine scene in NYC.
It seems that it was much easier than I thought. I just typed in to Google: "Best Poutine in NY." Low and behold, I site something like CitySearch came up with the best places for poutine in the city and a lot of good looking and easy to get to locations came up. I decided I would show four of my findings; two in Manhattan, two in Brooklyn.
Let's start with Brooklyn:
Mile End
I mentioned this place in my last post about making the poutine. It's a Jewish Deli with a Montreal twist on it. Instead of pastrami or corned beef, you have Canadian smoked meat and other deli fare. Though most importantly, they serve poutine! It looks really good and "Quebec authentic" too.
Sheep Station
I've seen pictures of their poutine, and it does look good, however, at little less authentic. I feel that this place is on the bottom of the four. I think it's also a little more out of the way than Mile End too. There of course is always a desire to try it.
Now Manhattan,
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this store in SoHo. Straight out of Quebec, a model who brought with him his favorite French-Canadian food, poutine. He then opened up this restaurant which looks amazing. Great looking, as well as authentic looking poutine, I'm very eager to try it. However, it's temporarily closed, though when it re-opens, I'm going to be the first on line.
Pommes Frites
I'm going to thank Nimz at her blog "Bothers" for recommending this place to me. I've heard of it before, however, I never really looked into it. It turns out that in addition to their fries and variety of sauces, they have authentic poutine as well. It's served in a Styrofoam cup like street poutine you would see in Quebec City. That'll be the first one I try since it's smack dab in the middle of the village and open.