Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Snap, Crackle, Pop!

I think one might know where I'm going with this. After finishing a bowl of Rice Krispies, I thought of the problem I have when there is a box of that cereal available to me. At times where I experience no self control whatever, I have finished entire boxes of it involuntarily. I don't know what it is about it. It might be the fact that it isn't exactly the most filling cereal on Earth, or maybe I just like the taste of it. It may be a little of both. I just can't help myself when it comes to them, that's why I rarely see them around the house.

There is something that is satisfying in the flavor of puffed rice. It's much more that a plain flavor because it almost has a bit of a sweet-grain flavor to it that's very faint. It might be nice to try them with soy sauce since that it is white rice. Anyone who has read my oil spill post knows that I would try something like that. Alas, I have not tried that, maybe a project for this weekend.

There is always about half of a large box left of the Rice Krispies when my mother makes Rice Krispy Treats for a family gathering, Italian Sunday Dinner, or something of the sort. The last time she made them, I went at the whole box and finished it within 15-20 minutes. I'm not even one to shove things down my throat, I may eat a lot but that was just crazy. I remember it well, I finished the box with no issue and then I took a nap on the couch.

Today, I bought a box at the store and I just had the one bowl that I mentioned before... in the past hour... just kidding, that really was the only bowl.

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